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Two hands sewing two hearts together.

Chaotic Social Lounge

Free Foyer Activations

10 March 2024

In the Western Foyers | Sydney Opera House Presents | Talks & Ideas

The Chaotic Social Lounge will have a range of fun social activities based in the Western Foyers throughout the day of the festival.

9.30am - 10.15am Allocation exhausted

Speed Mating

Looking to make a fun new connection to spend the festival with? Look no further than Speed Mating, a delightful and inclusive speed session open to all genders, persuasions, adult ages, and relationship statuses. This unique experience promises a light and frothy morning of cute chats and the opportunity to meet and mingle with like-minded individuals. There’ll be some fun questions to help get you started making friends and influencing people. You will have five minute conversations with a range of people and where there’s a match, be put immediately in touch! You'll receive a link to fill out your SpeedMatch profile 72 hours prior to the event. 

10.45am - 12.15pm Allocation exhausted

Book Club

If there's one thing Chaotic Social love, it's a good yarn. A story for the ages, a tale as old as time, a narrative we can lose ourselves in to forget the bin fire that is the world sometimes. Covid did a number on all of our attention spans, so you absolutely do not need to be someone who 'reads a lot' (whatever that means) or even at all normally to come along - and if you don't finish the book, who's going to know? Come alone or with a mate and yell your opinions across the room at people you've just met. We'll be reading Yellowface by Rebecca F. Kuang!

1.15pm - 4.15pm Free

Stitch and Complain

What's more relaxing than getting together for a good old stitch and complain? Bring your knitting, crochet or needlework along to beaver away with a solid chat. Whether you're experienced or a beginner, you're totally welcome and absolutely at home. It's an open, participatory environment, so come ready to make new friends along the way. 

Not working on a project at the moment? You can pick up one of our collaborative knitting pieces, the results of which will become wall art at Chaotic Social club in Petersham. 

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