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A collage with three sets of legs climbing up stairs.

Follow the Leader

with Randa Abdel-Fattah, Aja Barber and Angela Tiatia, moderated by Sisonke Msimang

10 March 2024

In the Yallamundi Rooms

Sydney Opera House Presents

Talks and Ideas

There’s no doubting the need to allow girls and women to be leaders. But rarely does mainstream feminism emphasise the need to learn how to follow. Join these dynamic activists, writers and speakers of colour and learn about an agenda that might feel very different from your own.

Co-curated by Clementine Ford 

I am not free while any woman is unfree, even when her shackles are very different from my own.

Audre Lorde, The Uses of Anger: Women Responding to Racism, 1981

you don’t need to lead to succeed

There doesn’t seem to be any reluctance to adopt all the fun things from other cultures - yoga, hairstyles, food, fashion, music (the list is endless). But what about the stuff that is a little more difficult? That might make you uncomfortable? The issues women of colour in particular have been trying to get us all to hear, absorb, and act on. The political struggles they’re engaged in. The threat that climate change poses to their very existence. The way our choices impact the labour conditions they face. And so much more. 

A timely discussion about the need for white feminists to decentre themselves to embrace supporting roles rather than equating empowerment with the ability always to lead. 

Sydney Opera House Presents


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