The Creators ProjectCelebrating key creators of the Sydney Opera House
On 8 November 2023 the Sydney Opera House unveiled a series of plates honouring the contribution of Jørn Utzon, Ove Arup and Peter Hall in the creation of this iconic building, and the collective creativity of those involved from conception to construction.
A bold experiment
From conception to construction, the Sydney Opera House tested the limits of engineering, building and design. It was a multidisciplinary endeavour that harnessed the spirit of the city and the energy of its people to create a masterpiece of human ingenuity. When the building opened in 1973, it embodied the collective surge of creativity that had brought it to life. Now the symbol of modern Australia, the Opera House has more than repaid the conviction of those who dreamed of its potential. We carry forward this spirit of innovation in the stories told on our stages, and in how we care for the building and guide its evolution.
Jørn Utzon
From Denmark to Sydney came an ingenious young architect, Jørn Utzon, with a proposal that would forever change the face of Sydney. His vision for a temple to the arts led to one of the most celebrated buildings of the 20th century. The Podium, Monumental Steps and soaring shells had already taken shape under Utzon’s leadership when he was forced to leave the project by a newly elected government. He never saw his vision realised. His relationship with the Opera House was later renewed, with the redesign of the Utzon Room, Western Foyer and Colonnade, as well as the development of design principles that inspire and guide our thinking to this day.
Ove Arup
Ove Arup, the philosopher and engineer, came from London to work with Utzon on turning design into structural reality. Arup’s pursuit of “total architecture” integrated engineering, design and construction to help create an enduring work of art. He pushed technological boundaries and pioneered new building methods that left a profound legacy for the industry. Arup’s innovations, shaped alongside teams of designers and contractors, include the dramatic beauty of the precast concrete shells and the structural beams that support the Monumental Steps. After Utzon’s departure, Arup collaborated with architect Peter Hall to bring this unique project to fruition.
Peter Hall
After Utzon’s departure, a consortium of Australian architects, Hall, Todd & Littlemore, was appointed to the project. Peter Hall, the design architect, had the talent, tenacity and creative will to take on the daunting task of completing the Opera House. In the face of a changing brief and unresolved plans, as well as a politically charged atmosphere, Hall rose to the challenge. He developed a visual consistency across the building, with the vibrant interiors, complex glass walls and majestic Concert Hall among his finest achievements. Above all, under his watch, the Opera House went from construction site to dynamic performing arts centre, an accomplishment that will live on for generations.
The Opera House thanks representatives of the Utzon family, Arup organisation, Hall family, OpusSOH, and the Opera House's Conservation Council and Design Advisory Panel who contributed to and supported this project.
This project received grant funding from the Australian Government.

Extract of the Unesco World Heritage listing for the Opera HouseThe Sydney Opera House constitutes a masterpiece of 20th century architecture. Its significance is based on its unparalleled design and construction; its exceptional engineering achievements and technological innovation and its position as a world-famous icon of architecture.