Our policies are listed below
The Sydney Opera House’s information and technology assets are valuable and must be protected and used appropriately.
This policy sets out:
- Users’ responsibilities to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of these assets; and
- How use is monitored and enforced through workplace.
This policy is notice to all employees of workplace surveillance, as required by the Workplace Surveillance Act 2005. Surveillance by authorised Sydney Opera House employees of network and internet access, including email, is carried out on an intermittent and ongoing basis in accordance with this policy.
Download the Acceptable Technology Use and Surveillance Policy (PDF)
The Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 (the GIPA Act) aims to maintain and advance a system of responsible and representative government that is open, accountable, fair and effective. The GIPA Act applies to all NSW government agencies, including the Sydney Opera House.
This policy sets out how the Sydney Opera House meets its obligations under the GIPA Act by:
- Complying with the mandatory disclosure requirements as prescribed in the GIPA Act;
- Proactively releasing government information where possible; and
- Ensuring that access to government information is only restricted when there is an overriding public interest against disclosure.
Download the Access to Information Policy (PDF)
Sydney Opera House requires all staff to be unimpaired by alcohol and other drugs that may affect a person’s ability to work safely and effectively. High risk tasks must not be performed by staff with alcohol, illegal drugs or other medication used inappropriately in their system. In addition, staff must not consume alcohol during working hours (including meal and other breaks) except when attending approved work functions or official meetings where alcohol is served. Sydney Opera House provides systems, guidelines and support for staff in order to identify and report matters relating to alcohol and other drugs.
Download the Alcohol and Other Drugs Policy (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House will not acquire artworks on any permanent basis either through purchase or as a gift or part of a sponsorship. Rather, the Sydney Opera House will implement a program of selecting and exhibiting works on a rotating basis. The selection of works for temporary display will be made according to the following criteria:
- Works of excellence;
- Preference for Australian works;
- Works that are more than just decorative i.e., should include works that challenge (match the expectation of the building);
- Works are not on permanent display; and
- Works selected to complement the exhibition space.
Under the Sydney Opera House’s asset management framework, an asset’s significance is determined by its role in supporting the organisation’s mission, strategic priorities and core business activities. At all times, the framework is informed by, and supports, the unique heritage status and values of the Sydney Opera House.
The Sydney Opera House aims to be a leader in the implementation of integrated asset management for a unique and iconic building, and will:
- Apply prevailing technologies and practices in the management and control of its assets;
- Adopt evidence-based decision-making, founded on reliable asset data;
- Collaborate with external partners and service providers to leverage innovation and practical know-how in planning; and
- Demonstrate value for money in the delivery of maintenance programs.
Download the Asset Management Policy Statement (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House uses camera and access surveillance systems to support its duty to provide a safe and secure environment.
This policy sets out the purpose of the Sydney Opera House’s camera and access surveillance systems, broadly identifies the location of closed circuit television (CCTV) and other camera and access surveillance, and describes how surveillance data is stored, how long it is retained and in what circumstances the Sydney Opera House will allow access to the data.
Download the Camera and Access Surveillance Policy (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House is committed to ensuring the safety and wellbeing of children that visit or engage with the Sydney Opera House through its services and programs. This policy and supporting procedures embed the NSW Royal Commission’s Child Safe Standards and outline commitments, strategies and actions in relation to:
- Child participation and empowerment.
- Recruiting child-related employment positions.
- Working with Children Check requirements.
- Engaging with families and third parties.
- Child safety training and communication activities.
- Authorisation to employ children.
- Child safety complaints management.
The Opera House has developed a Child-friendly Code of Conduct (PDF) for its youngest visitors.
Download the Child Safety Policy (PDF )
All employees of the Sydney Opera House are government sector employees. Part 2 of the Government Sector Employment Act 2013 (GSE Act) establishes the Ethical framework for the government sector (the Ethical Framework). The Sydney Opera House Code of Conduct is grounded in the values and principles of the Ethical Framework which applies to the whole of the government sector but also details specific conduct and behaviour expected of Sydney Opera House employees.
All employees have the responsibility to:
- Demonstrate high levels of personal conduct consistent with the Code of Conduct;
- Seek assistance when unsure about how to implement the Code of Conduct;
- Promote the implementation of the Code of Conduct to their colleagues; and
- Report possible breaches of the Code of Conduct to relevant officers.
Download the Code of Conduct (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House is proud to support Not-for-profit organisations (NFPs) where possible in accordance with our leadership role within the performing arts community. The Sydney Opera House receives numerous requests each year from NFPs for support and/or permission to undertake charitable collections onsite.
While requests may be for a worthy cause, the Sydney Opera House must exercise due diligence in the management of its resources and assets and therefore is unable to provide support to all requests received. All requests for support will be assessed on a case by case basis in accordance with assessment criteria.
Please note the Sydney Opera House does not make cash donations, only in-kind donations.
Requests for support are to be made in writing via email and directed to:
Download the Community Donations Policy (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House uses corporate cards to purchase high-volume, low-value goods. Corporate cards provide an efficient payment process for business-related expenses.
Download the Corporate Cards Policy (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House values Customer Feedback and is committed to better understanding and connecting with its community.
The Opera House will review customer feedback regularly to:
- Consider suggestions, implement actions, resolve issues appropriately and respond to Customers when needed.
- Maintain the consistency and quality of customer correspondence.
- Collate information on the nature, scale and frequency of issues important to customers to identify trends and patterns.
- Enable improved reporting of customer feedback across the organisation.
All customer feedback, positive and negative, as well as suggestions for improvement is valued, welcomed and encouraged. Please see the Customer Feedback below and if you would like to provide feedback please complete the Opera House Online Feedback Form.
Download the Customer Feedback Policy (PDF)
At Sydney Opera House, all our customers are important to us, and we are committed to protecting your personal details securely, in accordance with the NSW Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998.
This Customer Privacy Statement outlines how we deal with your personal information.
Sydney Opera House’s Customer Privacy Statement is divided into the following sections:
1. How is personal information collected?
2. The kinds of personal information that Sydney Opera House collects
3. The purposes for which your personal information is collected, held and used by Sydney Opera House
4. How is your personal information provided to and used by third parties?
5. When and how can you opt out of receiving marketing from us?
6. Security of personal information
7. Are there other circumstances where personal information will be given to anyone else?
8. How can you check and update your personal details?
9. Does Sydney Opera House use cookies and web beacons?
10. Whether we are likely to disclose your information overseas
11. COVID-19 and your privacy
12. Changes to this Customer Privacy Statement
13. How to complain if you are concerned about a breach of privacy by Sydney Opera House
Download the Customer Privacy Statement (PDF)
This policy and supporting Data Breach Response Plan set out the principles, roles and
responsibilities required to effectively manage Data breaches at the Sydney Opera House. This policy
supports the Opera House in meeting its obligations under privacy and other relevant laws.
In line with this policy and supporting plan, the Opera House will:
- Have systems in place to identify data breaches.
- Work to limit and prevent data breaches by continually improving its information
management policies and practices. - Respond to any suspected or actual data breaches in line with legislative obligations and
community expectations. - Conduct post-data breach reviews to evaluate the effectiveness of the response and
update the approach as appropriate.
The Debtor Management Policy aims to ensure that the Sydney Opera House effectively manages and reports all debts owed to it. It includes standard practices for issuing credit notes and managing risks associated with debts and credit control.
Download the Debtor Management Policy (PDF)
As outlined in this policy and in line with Sydney Opera House Strategy (2018-23) and Environmental Action Plan (2020-23), the Sydney Opera House aims to be an environmental sustainability leader by:
- Embedding environmental sustainability in strategic planning and operational delivery across its diverse business, while conserving and enhancing the Sydney Opera House heritage values.
- Identifying impacts and managing risks in order to protect and enhance the environment in which the Sydney Opera House operates.
- Engaging employees, partners and the community on key sustainability issues and inspiring them to effect positive change, individually and collectively.
Download the Environmental Sustainability Policy (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House is a leader within the performing arts community and maintains a commitment to be a socially responsible organisation.
The Sydney Opera House offers support for events from arts industry, non-profit community and charity organisations, by providing discounts and waivers for venues and equipment, discounted labour charges and fixed contribution towards Sydney Opera House event charges.
This policy outlines the criteria for support and the type of support that can be obtained.
Download the Event Support Policy (PDF)
All requests to film on site must gain prior approval from Sydney Opera House.
The Sydney Opera House is committed to ensuring a safe and healthy working environment for all. The Sydney Opera House achieves this by assessing potential and current employees’ fitness for duty.
This policy is designed to:
- Establishing a health conscious working environment.
- Ensuring the Sydney Opera House is continually accessible to individual needs based on their health assessment.
- Allowing the Sydney Opera House to manage any changes in health conditions.
Download the Fitness for Duty Policy (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House is Australia’s leading tourism destination, one of the world’s busiest performing arts centres, a world-heritage listed masterpiece and community meeting place that belongs to all Australians. We strive for excellence in everything we do. The public, our fellow workers, our partners and stakeholders are entitled to expect each of us to act with integrity and to protect resources, information, revenues, reputation and the public interest. Fraud and corruption are incompatible with our values and present a risk to the achievement of our mission. The Sydney Opera House is committed to an honest and ethical environment that minimises fraud and corruption.
Download the Fraud and Corruption Control Policy (PDF)
Find out more about Fraud and Corruption Prevention at Sydney Opera House
The Grand Organ in the Concert Hall is the largest known mechanic-action pipe organ in the world with over 10,200 pipes. To protect this unique and delicate instrument, this policy sets out guidelines for who has access, the responsibilities, theatrical effect that can be done from the Organ, and the use of the Grand Organ as a scenic element for a performance in the Concert Hall.
Download the Grand Organ Access Policy (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House is committed to maintaining a professional and ethical workplace. This can only be achieve if the community is confident that staff are not influenced by gifts or benefits.
This policy sets out that:
- Staff must declare gifts and benefits offered to them and seek approval from their manager prior to accepting (with some limited exceptions).
- Staff should not accept any cash or financial benefit, anything of that nature could be considered a bribe.
- Certain gifts and benefits should never be accepted.
Download the Gifts and Benefits Policy (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House is committed to conserve all aspects of the Sydney Opera House's heritage significance for our current and future generations.
Download the Heritage Conservation Statement (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House is committed to ensuring a secure work environment. As a NSW Government agency the Sydney Opera House must apply protective markings to information assets in accordance with Commonwealth and NSW Government requirements. This policy explains how information assets must be treated according to these requirements.
This policy applies to Sydney Opera House information assets and all its authorised users, including employees and contractors.
Download the Information Classification Policy (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House maintain digital information, including personal and health information and state records. Keeping these assets secure is vital to the Sydney Opera House operations, satisfying its legal obligations, and maintaining its reputation. The Information Security Management System (ISMS) Policy describes how the Sydney Opera House will establish, implement, maintain and continually improve its ISMS to ensure the confidentiality, integrity and availability of its digital information and systems.
Download the Information Security Management System (ISMS) Policy (PDF)
All items found on the Sydney Opera House premises are referred to Stage Door and entrusted to the Opera House for safeguarding. Reasonable attempts will be made to return items of property to the rightful owners.
Found property will be recorded, securely stored and dealt with as follows:
• Items of significant value, such as wallets, phones, computers and sums of money will be securely stored by the Opera House for one week, then transferred to the police (after best endeavours have been made to locate the owner).
• Please note that any credit/bank cards that are found will be destroyed after 24 hours.
• All other items will be securely stored by the Opera House and held for a period of one month. Property unclaimed following this period will be donated to an authorised charity or disposed of.
• Claims for property held in an Opera House cloakroom without a corresponding ticket must be supported by evidence of ownership (i.e. proof of identification) and a description of the item.
Any reports or enquiries regarding property lost on the Opera House premises can be made directly to the Host Team at Stage Door or by calling +61 2 9250 7111.
The Sydney Opera House is committed to ensuring the safety, privacy and security of all personal information. The Sydney Opera House holds a range of personal and health information in a number of locations and in a range of formats. The collection, storage, use and disclosure of this information is undertaken in accordance with the requirements of the Privacy and Personal Information Protection Act 1998 (PPIP Act) and the Health Records and Information Privacy Act 2002 (HRIP).
The Sydney Opera House complies with its obligations under these acts in relation to personal and health information that is collected about its employees, contractors, partners, performers, customers, and members of the general public.
The purpose of the Privacy Management Policy and Plan is to:
- Provide staff with the knowledge to manage personal and health information in accordance with the law.
- Demonstrate to members of the public how the Sydney Opera House meets its obligations under the PPIP Act and the HRIP Act.
- Meet the requirement for the Sydney Opera House to have such a plan under section 33 of the PPIP Act.
Download the Privacy Management Policy and Plan (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House is a NSW Government agency, and maintains a high level of probity for procurement of all goods and services, as well as ensuring all procurement activity is conducted within the NSW Government Procurement Legislation and Policy.
For each procurement, staff strive to obtain the best business outcome for the Sydney Opera House based on the best fit for the Sydney Opera House in quality, price and availability. Additionally, in line with our commitment to a sustainable future, the policy contains a commitment to sustainable procurement as a lens that can be overlaid onto our existing procurement processes.
To achieve these objectives staff and contractors abide by the NSW Procurement Framework probity principles:
- Value for money
- Fair and open competition
- Easy to do business
- Support economic development, social outcomes and sustainability
- Encourage innovation
Download the Procurement Policy (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House is committed to promoting a culture of integrity and ethical behaviour by encouraging and supporting staff who come forward with disclosures relating to corrupt conduct, maladministration, serious and substantial waste of public money or government information contravention within the Sydney Opera House.
In accordance with the Public Disclosures Act 1994 (PID Act), Sydney Opera House is committed to ensuring staff who disclose information are able to do so without fear of personal loss or harassment.
This policy manages any disclosures in accordance with the PID Act.
Download the Public Interest Disclosures Policy (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House is committed to record management in line with the NSW State Records Act 1998, and the standards it sets out. This policy establishes a Records Management Framework for the creation, capture, control, use, maintenance and disposal of all Sydney Opera House records.
The Sydney Opera House records are valuable business assets. They form the organisation’s corporate memory, ensuring information is captured and utilised to:
- Support strategic and daily operations.
- Meet legal obligations.
- Maintain state, national and world heritage values
Download the Records Management Policy (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House is committed to supporting and encouraging an inclusive work environment that embraces diversity, fairness, equity, respect and the equal and ethical treatment of all workers.
This policy details how Sydney Opera House employees identify and raise concerns about inappropriate workplace behaviour, including bullying, sexual harassment, unsafe cultural and discrimination.
Download the Respectful Workplace Behaviour Policy (PDF)
Download the Resolving Workplace Grievances Policy (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House is committed to managing risks as an integral part of its corporate governance and operations. Risk management practices are underpinned by the Sydney Opera House values – safety, excellence, creativity, collaboration and accountability.
The Risk Management Policy outlines the risk management framework used by the Sydney Opera House to identify and manage risks and opportunities, in order to achieve its strategic objectives.
Download the Risk Management Policy (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House is committed to provide a smoke-free environment for its workers and visitors and to reduce the harmful impacts of smoking in the environment, which includes litter and pollution of the marine environment.
The Sydney Opera House has adopted a Smoke-Free Environment. From the 1st January 2022 smoking will be prohibited on the Sydney Opera House precinct and at all Sydney Opera House-owned or -operate sites.
The policy applies to all areas of the of the Sydney Opera House precinct and covers all forms of tobacco and non-tobacco smoking, including cigarettes, vapes, e-cigarettes, cigars and water pipe tobacco smoking.
Download the Smoke-free Environment Policy (PDF)
This policy sets out the process for seeking, securing and servicing sponsors. It has been designed to guide staff in the assessment of sponsorship opportunities to ensure consistency, transparency and direct alignment with the Sydney Opera House’s strategic priorities.
Download the Sponsorship Policy (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House is committed to managing assets in line with its responsibilities as a NSW Government Agency. This policy details how Strategic Asset Management (SAM) funding received from the NSW Government is allocated, in line with responsibilities.
SAM funding is allocated to maintain all physical, non-current assets owned or controlled by the Sydney Opera House.
Download the Strategic Asset Maintenance (SAM) Policy (PDF)
The Sydney Opera House is committed to ensuring the health, safety and well-being of all workers, patrons, performers and visitors at all Sydney Opera House owned or operated sites. This policy sets out specific commitments and how we will implement them to ensure that we meet our safety objective.
This policy is designed to:
- Ensure that the Sydney Opera House meets its responsibilities for the safety, welfare and well-being of all workers, patrons, performers and visitors at the Sydney Opera House.
- Implement and maintain procedures for identifying, assessing and controlling workplace hazards and risk, so far as is reasonably practicable.
- Establish measureable objectives and targets for health and safety at all levels of the organisation, to ensure continual improvement.
- Allocate human and financial resources to ensure effective implementation of the WHS system.
Download the Workplace, Health and Safety Policy (PDF)